Public Health is the science of protecting and improving the health of families and communities through promotion of healthy lifestyles, research for disease and injury prevention and detection and control of infectious diseases. Overall, the Public Health Department is concerned with protecting the health of the entire population in Rosebud County.
Public Health
Name | Position | Phone | |
Shelly Schnitzmeier | Department Head | 406-346-2156 | |
Toni Potts | Public Health Nurse | 406-346-2156 | |
Jennifer King | Public Health Nurse | 406-346-2156 | |
Kay Woods | Public Health Nurse | 406-346-2156 | |
Gigi Wolfe | Public Health Nurse | 406-346-2156 | |
Shannon Whyte | Administrative Secretary | 406-346-2156 | |
The list below is a partial list of programs and services not a complete list:
Accident Prevention Education
Blood Pressure Checks
Child Abuse Prevention
Christmas Joy & Shop with a Cop
Community Outreach Programs
Communicable Disease Surveillance
Day Care/School Immunization Reviews
Emergency Preparedness
Family Planning/Contraceptive Services
Family Support and Health Education
FICMMR-Fetal Infant Child and Maternal Mortality Rate Investigations
Health Education and Counseling
Immunizations (Infant, Adolescent, Adult)
Monitor, Diagnose and Investigate Health Problems & Hazards in Rosebud County
Nurse Consultations on Medical Issues
Rabies Investigations
Safety Carnival
School Screenings/Health Presentations
Seasonal Flu Clinics
Senior Citizen Home Visiting / Foot Clinics
STD/HIV Testing and Referrals
Stitch Removal, Earwax Removal, Wound Care & Miscellaneous Medical Injections
Suicide Prevention
TB Testing
Urinary Analysis Testing
Michael Rinaldi, RS 406-366-1424
- Clean Air/Water
- Food Service Inspections
- Sanitation Inspections
- Water sample bottles available at the Public Health office in Forsyth.
Recommended Immunization Schedules from the Center of Disease Control:
- Persons Age 0 Through 18 Years
- Catch-up Immunization Schedule: For persons age 4 months through 18 years who start late or who are more than 1 month behind
- Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule, by Vaccine and Age Group
Immunizations to be aware of:
College Students
- Td (tetanus/diptheria)
- Meningicoccal
- Hepatitis B
- HPV for young men & women
Students Entering 7th Grade in the Fall
- Tdap (tetanus/diptheria/pertussis)
- Meningicoccal
- HPV (to guard against cervical cancer)
Kindergarten Entry
The Board of Health meets quarterly on the fourth Tuesday of the month, unless more frequent meetings are required. Meetings take place at the Rosebud Health Care Center Conference Room from 12 noon until 1pm. The public is welcome to attend.
Meeting Records
July Meeting Passcode - 4jMNKW^0
Nancy Nile
Toni Potts
Calene Smith
Joan Duffield
Shelley Friez
Darlene Sanders
County Commissioner
Ed Joiner